Monday, January 20, 2014

Bundimuns are found worldwide. Skilled at creeping under floorboards and behind skirting boards, they infest houses. The presence of a Bundimun is usually announced by a foul stench of decay. The Bundimun oozes a secretion which rots away the very foundations of the dwelling in which it's found. The Bundimum at rest resembles a path of greenish fungus with eyes, though when alarmed it will scuttle away on its numerous spindly legs"
-JK Rowling

"The Bowtruckle is a tree-gaurdian creature found mainly in the west of England, southern Germany and certain Scandinavian forests. It is immensely difficult to spot, being small (maximum eight inches in height) and apparently made of bark and twigs with two small brown eyes.
The Bowtruckle, which eats insects, is a peacable and intensely shy creature but if the tree in which it lives is threatened it has been known to leap down upon the woodcutter or tree-surgeon attempting to harm its home and gouge at their eyes with its long, sharp fingers."
-JK Rowling

"The Billywig is an insect native to Australia. It is around half an inch long and a vivid sapphire blue, although its speed is such that it is rarely noticed by Muggles and often not by wizards until they have been stung. The Billywig's wings are attached to the top of it's head and are rotated very fast so that it spins as it flies. At the bottom of the body is a long thing sting."
-JK Rowling

Monday, January 13, 2014



"The Augerey is a native of Britain and Ireland, though sometimes found elsewhere in northern Europe. A thin mournful-looking bird, somewhat like a small and underfed vulture in appearance, the Augerey is greenish black. It is intensely shy, nests in bramble and thorn, eats large insects and fairies, flies only in heavy rain and otherwise remains hidden in its tear-shaped nest."
-J.K. Rowling

Saturday, January 11, 2014

"The Ashwinder is created when a magical fire is allowed to burn unchecked for too long. A thin, pale-grey serpent with glowing red eyes, it will rise form the embers of an unsupervised fire and slither away into the shadows of the dwelling in which it finds itself, leaving an ashy trail behind it"
 -J.K. Rowling